
How does it feel could be very close — even touch the clouds? Needless to skydiving or riding to the top of high mountains that could see the clouds from very close distance.

An artist Berndnaut Smildeas, Netherlands, managed to make a work of art: create a cloud. How to use engine smoke, combined with humidity at room temperature and dramatic lighting then so be "Nimbus II 2012", the clouds in the room.

Smilde, who lives in Amsterdam, said he wanted to make the image of a cloud of rain in a space. "I'd imagine walking into a classical museum halls with only a blank wall," he said. "Nothing else except the rainy clouds are hanging around in the room. "

Unfortunately, clouds of creation Smildeas could not last long, only a few moments and then disappearing like the original cloud characteristics. At the very least, interesting enough to be in a room full of clouds, right?